Stretching Dos and Don’ts
Why do people stretch? Increasing flexibility, warming up, or preventing injury are the three most common reasons given. How you stretch really depends more about why you are stretching than [...]
Getting Healthy At The Park
Getting healthy and staying healthy is not always about going to the gym. Getting outdoors is just as important to get that blood pumping while you enjoy the scenery around [...]
Drink Water, Hydration Is Vital
Dizziness, fatigue, confusion, headache, nausea...these are all signs of heat stroke. Living in Texas, the weather can change from hour to hour, and those temperatures can climb before you know [...]
5 Ways For Men To Stay Healthy
It's not unusual to hear of men not going for their regular doctor visits. Unless there are strong reminders from family members or wives, it's not uncommon for men to [...]
A Second Chance For the Seriously Injured
Our goal here at Momentum is not only to get you healthy for life, but provide you the tools to stay there. In order to do that, we work hard [...]
Better Bicycling Benefits
National Bike Month is a month where we celebrate our other set of wheels, our bikes. It is not only great for our communities, it’s better for our health. While [...]