Physical therapy is the practice of treating pain and restoring movement for patients who are suffering a condition or injury. Physical therapists find the source of the symptoms and address them with targeted exercises, hands-on manual therapy and physical modalities such as heat and ice. The purpose of these treatments is to heal damaged tissues, treat inflammation and restore mobility and motor control. Common reasons to consider visiting a physical therapist include neck pain, knee and ankle injuries, shoulder and elbow injuries, hand injuries, sprains and strains, fractures, post and pre-surgery rehab, chronic pain, headaches and much more.
Physical Therapy and Occupational TherapyMomentum Physical Therapy
Targeted Pain Relief For:
Hand Pain
Foot Pain
Ankle Pain
Therapy for Knee Pain
Hip Pain
Shoulder Pain
Back Pain
Neck Pain
Headache Pain
Hand Pain Relief
Physical Therapy for Hand Pain Relief
Hand and wrist pain makes it difficult to enjoy both work and play. Pain from arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome, injury or more can complicate everyday tasks from sending an email to throwing a football. Momentum provides patients in San Antonio and the surrounding areas with custom treatment for fast hand pain relief. Visit one of our 13 locations today to get started!
Foot Pain Relief
Physical Therapy for Foot Pain Relief
From turf toe to tendinitis and much more, foot pain can make walking, running and standing a painful experience. If you are suffering from chronic foot pain or a new foot injury, physical therapy can help you heal, strengthen and find relief. Relieve your foot pain, improve your balance and restore your mobility with the help of our expertly trained physical therapists. Schedule a Free Pain Relief Assessment today!
Ankle Pain Relief
Physical Therapy for Ankle Pain Relief
Ankle pain and injuries are common occurrences for athletes and nonathletes alike. What you do after the injury can make the difference between gaining full health and suffering re-injury later in life. Momentum has 13 convenient locations in San Antonio and the surrounding areas that can help you relieve your ankle pain and strengthen your ankle for life.
Therapy for Knee Pain Relief
Physical Therapy for Therapy for Knee Pain Relief
Our San Antonio physical therapists will develop an individualized program to heal and strengthen your knee. Through pain management, therapeutic exercises, manual therapy and self-care education, you will decrease pain, restore mobility, increase strength and flexibility, and get back to doing what you love the most. If your knee pain is addressed early on, physical therapy may help prevent the need for surgery.
Hip Pain Relief
Physical Therapy for Hip Pain Relief
Injured and aggravated hips can turn simple tasks into painful experiences. Patients suffering from hip pain can benefit from targeted physical therapy to relieve symptoms and improve mobility. For expert hip pain relief in San Antonio and the surrounding areas, schedule an appointment with Momentum today. Our team can help you get healthy for life!
Shoulder Pain Relief
Physical Therapy for Shoulder Pain Relief
Poor posture, repeated stress, muscle imbalance and overuse are only a few of the many causes of shoulder pain. Small shoulder irritations can snowball into major problems if left untreated, so it is important to seek treatment at the first sign of pain. At Momentum, we can help you relieve the shoulder pain you are experiencing through targeted exercises, manual therapy and more.
Back Pain Relief
Physical Therapy for Back Pain Relief
If you’re looking for back pain relief in San Antonio, you’re not alone. Statistics show that over 85% of Americans will suffer from back pain sometime during their lives. If you are experiencing muscle ache, shooting pain, or stabbing pain, it’s time to talk to an expert. Our physical therapists will determine the source of your back pain, craft a custom treatment plan, and help get you back to doing the things you love.
Neck Pain Relief
Physical Therapy for Neck Pain Relief
Are you struggling to find neck pain relief? Stop searching! Each one of our 13 clinics in San Antonio and the surrounding areas can treat your neck pain by restoring activity, strength and motion to your neck. Schedule your consultation with Momentum today! We can help relieve your neck pain and get your back to doing the things you love.
Headache Pain Relief