

No Equipment Outdoor Workouts

We have an idea you might not hear often- take a break from the gym. How? Well, instead of being inside, take your work out ‘out’ and sweat outdoors without any equipment at all. Studies have shown that outdoor workouts have many benefits including stress reduction, restoring mental fatigue, and improving mood and self-esteem and perceived [...]

By |June 23rd, 2017|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on No Equipment Outdoor Workouts

Overtraining Doesn’t Help, It Hurts

Working to achieve a sports or fitness goal can drive many people to overtrain in an effort to get stronger, better, faster. Our PT’s have seen many injuries related to overtraining. While the dedication and drive is admirable, overtraining can lead to long lasting effects, which may include required rest, delaying any further training causing setbacks, [...]

By |January 20th, 2017|Categories: Injury Prevention|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Overtraining Doesn’t Help, It Hurts

Top Equipment Free Exercises You Should Be Doing

The idea of exercising always conjures up visions of personal trainers, expensive gyms, high-end equipment, and lots of grunting, groaning, and personal torture. That's never the case when we use the term exercise. The idea of exercise is to better yourself, mind and body, and to put you on the path to a healthy life. We've [...]

By |July 20th, 2016|Categories: Sports Medicine|Tags: , |Comments Off on Top Equipment Free Exercises You Should Be Doing
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