Meet Jessica Williams, PT, DBT, Helotes clinic director, Momentum Area Director and this month’s Staff Spotlight! Jessica has always had a passion for sports and the way the human body works.

Why did you become a physical therapist?

“I originally wanted to go to med school. I was always interested in medicine and A&P. I had the chance to take a few medical driven electives in high school but when it came down to it I didn’t think it was the right fit for me. I chose a more interactive profession where I get to know my patients and their lives.  That dynamic gives me the chance to positively impact them beyond getting rid of their pain, but getting them back to their lifestyle. Everyone that knows me knows I like to talk and chat (with anyone), and in therapy, I get to do that when they are exercising!”

What is the one thing you think most of your patients will remember about you or their time with you?

“If it isn’t crazy stories about my kids, it will likely be the conversations about their lives we get to enjoy during therapy.”

What were things you did as a kid that you still remember fondly today?

“I loved playing sports- especially volleyball and track. We also would go camping every summer for at least a week with a large group of family friends.”

You are an Area Director, leading the Helotes clinic but also leading many of Momentum’s clinic directors who manage their own clinics. What motivated you to move into a leadership role?

“I think of my job as fun, and I like to lead others in a direction so that every day they can have fun and love what they do too!  If we work smarter from the beginning, then we have more time to do what we all love- which is to help our patients, in a light and enjoyable atmosphere!”

What’s the funniest memory from your time so far with Momentum Physical Therapy?

“I truly feel like I have too many to count. We do love to prank each other.  We’ve had easier to achieve pranks like name tags set in jello but also higher-level like the time a computer cart was suspended in someone’s office when they went on vacation.”

What should patients expect when they come to Momentum Physical Therapy? 

“A passionate group of people dedicated to making them heal and get better, and hopefully put a smile on their face while doing it!”

What should new team members expect when they come to work at Momentum Physical Therapy?

“To work smarter, not (always) harder, and to join in our company culture of fun!”

Tell us a fun fact about you that not many people know.

“I have twin 2-year-old girls!”

If you are starting your fitness journey and would like a professional opinion/assessment, contact us today! All of our clinics are open and seeing new/existing patients daily. Our team is making every effort to create a safe and sanitized environment as well as keeping you healthy!