Meet Chad Pogue, PT, FAAOMPT, Momentum Physical Therapy’s May Staff Spotlight!

Tell us something about your upbringing that you still remember fondly today.

“I am the oldest of 3 boys. My dad traveled a lot for work so my mom was responsible for taking us to sports practices and games. One of us would be early, one on time, and one of us late. To this day, I am always early for everything. I loved growing up with my brothers.”

What is your favorite thing about being a PT?

“I love meeting people from all over the world and hearing their stories. As a PT, I get to spend more time with patients than most other health care providers.”

You are a Fellow of the American Academy of Orthopedic Manual Physical Therapists. What is that distinction and what made you interested in becoming a “FAAOMPT?”

“I have gone through specialized training to enhance my skills as a manual physical therapist. I wanted to challenge myself and be a better therapist for my patients. The program was tough but I am really glad that I did it.”

Why should patients come to Momentum Physical Therapy vs other physical therapy providers in the area?

“Momentum truly puts patients’ needs first. I think patients can feel it when they get here, which is why so many people come back for new issues or refer their friends and family members.”

You’ve been at Momentum for about 14 years. During those 14 years…

What’s your favorite memory during your time at Momentum?

“I remember what it was like when our company won ‘Physical Therapy Practice of the Year’. It was an exciting time of growth and success for Momentum. It felt great to play a small role for a winning team.”

What’s the oddest thing that has occurred while you’ve been at Momentum?

“Sounds crazy, but we actually had a car drive halfway into our clinic. Luckily, nobody was injured and we were able to continue with treatments that day.”

Tell us a fun, non-PT-related fact about you.

“I grew up in Kansas City, MO and even though I have lived in Texas for over 20 years, I am still a huge Chiefs and Royals fan.”

If you’re starting your fitness journey and would like a professional opinion/assessment, contact us today! All of our clinics are open and seeing new/existing patients daily. Our team is making every effort to create a safe and sanitized environment as well as keeping you healthy!