“We get you healthy,” is not just a promise, it’s a lifestyle that we adopt and convey to each and every patient. Many of our patients come in looking forward to getting back to running, cycling, their favorite sports, playing with their children, or just enjoying walks in the park or in their neighborhood. While our PT’s are specialized in increasing mobility and balance, you can help us provide the best service by adopting a healthy eating lifestyle as well. Working hand in hand, you truly can become the healthiest you’ve ever been.
Nutrition is important not just for adults, but for children of all ages. In an era where fast food has dominated every corner of our neighborhood, it can be hard to focus on healthier options. Trust us when we say your body will thank you later.
We’ve highlighted some great heart healthy recipes, provided options for preparing vegetables, and even suggested some great snack ideas for big events, but know that you ALWAYS have a choice. Whether you’re at school, at work, or at home, you have the choice on what to put into your body.
The USDA has set up a website, MyPlate, that offers great resources to help you maintain a high level of nutrition, no matter where you are. So be sure to maintain an active lifestyle with exercise or your favorite outdoor activity, and balance that with healthy eating.
If you’re experiencing pain and would like a professional opinion/assessment then sign-up for a FREE Pain Assessment. We will then contact you to schedule an appointment for you to come in and have someone take a look. Our goal is to get you healthy!