Have you met your annual insurance deductible? If you have, your therapy may be free. How do you check to see if your deductible has been met? You can call your insurance and ask them or you can call us and we will gladly check your benefits for you. Not sure what a deductible actually is? Learn more about health insurance terms like deductible, co-insurance, co-pay, etc by speaking with Momentum’s friendly staff.
The holiday season is upon us and there is not a better time to get to feeling like your old self! Who wants to be in pain or not feeling right during the holidays? We can help get you out of pain and moving again, just in time for the holidays! We are here to serve you and would love to help you get back to the life you love to live, just in time for the holidays.
In addition to the great care you receive at Momentum, our dedication to customer service is unmatched in the healthcare industry. Offering to check your insurance benefits is another way we aim to serve you.
Free Pain Relief Assessments
Our soon-to-be-famous Free Pain Relief Assessments are another way we show our dedication to you. That’s right; it is absolutely free with no obligation! These assessments are a great way to see if physical therapy can help you. Come to any of our offices for a Free Pain Relief Assessment!
Call us at (210) 888-1278 or request an appointment online at WeGetYouHealthy.com to set up your session today!