Give Texans the Right to Choose Physical Therapy
Did you know that you can help yourself and your fellow Texans? Read on and sign the petition below to do your duty as a citizen of our great state. [...]
Symptoms of whiplash and how physical therapy can help
As defined by Merriam-Webster, "whiplash is an injury resulting from a sudden sharp whipping movement of the neck and head as of a person in a vehicle that is struck [...]
SPRINGing into Action
Spring has sprung. That means we will be spending a lot more time outside staying active and playing the life of the outdoorsman or outdoorswoman. Take these things into consideration [...]
CrossFit Is
CrossFit is one of the hottest exercise trends and has been catching fire in terms of popularity lately. It is also catching some heat due to a debate about its [...]
When Race Day is Near
Training is the journey that gets you to the celebration - the 5K, 10K, half-marathon or marathon! When you are training, train as you will race. For example, if you [...]
Race Training Regimen
Figuring out how to train can be a challenge if you are a beginner. It can also be tough to decide your distances or what amount of time to run. [...]