
LaTonya Jackson



When I was younger, I had no idea what I wanted to be when I grew up. It was my senior year of high school, after suffering a knee injury, when I found out what physical therapy was. I had to go to physical therapy for a few months, and each day I went my interest in this career field grew more and more. I shadowed at different clinics to really see what this profession was really about and what it had to offer. After so many hours of shadowing and volunteering, I knew I wanted to pursue a career as a Physical Therapist. After years of hard work, I am so happy to say I am a part of this great profession!


Even though I went to school for many years, I still want and need to continue learning. Physical therapy is an ever-evolving practice. It is important to continue developing new skills as well as keeping up with the most current evidence-based practice. I love learning and I want to further my education and skills in the orthopedic outpatient setting in order to best treat my patients! Patient education is very important in this career field, so the more I learn, the more I can educate.


For many years, I have been very active in serving my community through various organizations. Throughout my high school, undergraduate and graduate studies, I have happily volunteered in the Victoria, San Marcos, and El Paso communities. With San Antonio as my new home, I plan on doing the same.


Licensure in Physical Therapy: Texas State Board of Physical Therapy Examiners
BESS: Bachelor of Exercise and Sports Science, Texas State University, San Marcos, TX
DPT: Doctor of Physical Therapy, University of Texas at El Paso, El Paso, TX
MEMBERSHIP: American Physical Therapy Association, Texas Physical Therapy Association